Our Team

Stephanie Haire - RPH headshot


Stephanie Haire – Pharm D

“My years in pharmacy have taught me that there is not always a commercially made solution to a patient’s medication needs and that the pharmacist can help by actually customizing a prescription. It may be as simple as adding some flavoring or converting a tablet into a liquid. Sometimes it is as detailed as assisting a patient with bio-identical hormone replacement.

Pharmacy care sometimes requires creativity. Prescription compounding enables us to solve medication dosing, strength, and availability issues in a quick and cost-effective manner. Being able to help our customers, both human or animal, is one of the main reasons I chose to be a pharmacist.”





Stacy Smoler – Pharm D            Sarah Lo – Pharm D              Brianna Nguyen – Pharm D

Stacy's headshot Custom Care CompoundingSarah headshot CCCBri Headshot CCC