Customized Solutions for Hormonal Imbalances in Men

Sep 12, 2024

Hormonal imbalances can affect men just as significantly as they do women, yet they often go unnoticed or untreated. We encourage men to take their health concerns seriously, particularly concerning hormone balancing.


Hormonal Imbalances in Men


Men’s hormonal health is intricately linked to stress, diet, age, and lifestyle. The primary male hormone, testosterone, is critical in numerous bodily functions, ranging from muscle growth and energy levels to mood regulation and cognitive functions. 


However, elevated stress levels lead to the overproduction of cortisol. High cortisol levels are problematic because they can prompt the conversion of testosterone into estradiol (estrogen), which disrupts hormonal balance and can lead to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and decreased libido.


Diagnostic Testing for Hormonal Imbalances


Comprehensive tests such as blood, 24-hour urine, or saliva tests provide detailed insights into men’s hormone levels. Often, physicians employ two or all three tests to gather a complete picture of a patient’s hormonal status. Saliva is the best method to test the active/bioavailable portion of hormones. If you are seeking bio-identical hormone replacement (BHRT), you’ll need to know active hormone levels. In addition, if using a topical (transdermal) hormone preparation for treatment, saliva testing is the most accurate tool to measure and monitor hormone status.


These tests help identify the levels of testosterone, cortisol, and estradiol, helping the healthcare provider create a holistic treatment plan for the patient.


Pitfalls of Over-the-Counter Supplements


Many men turn to over-the-counter testosterone-boosting supplements, often enticed by aggressive marketing featuring celebrities and athletes. These supplements are marketed as quick fixes to improve muscle mass, libido, and energy levels. However, they typically fail to address the root causes of hormonal imbalances and can potentially worsen the situation.

One significant risk is the body’s compensatory response to artificially increased testosterone levels. When external testosterone or its precursors are introduced without medical supervision, the body may respond by elevating cortisol levels. High cortisol can further disrupt hormonal balance by converting excess testosterone into estradiol, a form of estrogen. This conversion not only diminishes the desired effects of testosterone boosters but can also perpetuate hormonal imbalances, potentially leading to symptoms like increased body fat, mood swings, and fatigue. The complete opposite of why you’re taking it in the first place!


Hormone Therapy for Men


Testosterone replacement therapy is a standard treatment for men experiencing symptoms of low testosterone. At compounding pharmacies, we take a tailored approach, particularly with transdermal and sublingual forms of testosterone, which are effective alternatives to traditional methods.

Transdermal Creams and Gels: These are applied directly to the skin, allowing testosterone to be absorbed into the bloodstream gradually. This method mimics the body’s natural rhythm of hormone release, potentially reducing side effects and improving the stability of hormone levels throughout the day. Compounded gels and patches can be customized to the specific dosage and hormone balance each patient requires.

Sublingual Testosterone: This form involves placing a specially formulated troche under the tongue, where the hormone is directly absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes. This method bypasses the digestive system, preserving the hormone’s integrity and ensuring more immediate absorption. Sublingual testosterone can be finely tuned to the exact dose needed for optimal therapeutic effect based on individual diagnostic results.

By focusing on these personalized hormone replacement therapies, compounding pharmacies like ours ensure that each patient receives the most effective and precise treatment, tailored to their unique hormonal needs.



Holistic Lifestyle Adjustments


While hormone therapy can significantly improve symptoms of hormonal imbalance, its effectiveness is greatly enhanced when combined with specific lifestyle adjustments. Together, these strategies can help manage cortisol levels, improve overall well-being, and support the body’s hormonal balance.

Dietary Changes: Incorporating certain foods and nutrients can have a profound impact on hormone health. We recommend:

  • High-fiber foods: such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which can help regulate insulin levels and support hormonal balance.
  • Healthy fats: found in fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds which are vital for hormone production and inflammation reduction.
  • Lean proteins: including chicken, fish, and legumes, to support muscle repair and mood regulation.
  • Limiting (or eliminating) processed sugars and refined carbohydrates: which can cause spikes in insulin and disrupt hormone levels.

Physical Activity: Regular exercise is crucial, not only for weight management but also for maintaining hormonal balance. It can help reduce insulin levels and increase testosterone production. Activities like strength training, aerobic exercises, and even light walking can be beneficial, depending on individual health status and capabilities. Focusing on large muscle groups like your quads or hamstrings is a great place to start. 

Stress Management: Chronic stress can derail hormonal balance, making stress management techniques essential. Practices like mindfulness meditation, yoga or tai chi, and adequate sleep. Aim for 7-9 hour per night to improve recovery and regulate hormone production. 

Environmental Factors: Minimizing exposure to endocrine disruptors found in plastics, certain personal care products, and pesticides is also advisable. Using natural products and being mindful of chemical exposures can further support hormonal health.

By adopting these holistic lifestyle adjustments, individuals undergoing hormone therapy can achieve better outcomes and enjoy a more balanced, healthy life.

We know this can be a lot to take in but the good news is you don’t have to do this on your own! Feel free to Reach out to Custom Care Compounding or your primary health provider with further questions.


The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with your physician regarding any questions or concerns you may have about your health.